Sunday, March 27, 2011

again... neglecting..

I don't know what it is, I can't seem to keep myself blogging. lol I guess its like when I was younger and tried to keep a diary, it only ever lasted a few entries. haha Good news is, I've been busy busy busy... I've been doing quite a bit of maternity stuff, a few weddings, lots of kids, and family. I'm gonna post a few to show you all...

Only my favorites though! lol

Monday, January 31, 2011

Slow going...

I have been neglecting my blog. Horrible, I know. I've been around, I've been doing shoots, in fact i have a 2 month old shoot on saturday, then another on the 11th. I'm super excited to start using my new props!! I made a friend who sells her adorable crocheted hats... I'm doing pictures for her to showcase her work! I got a cute little bear one for a girl, and an Owl one, that I guess could be used for either.

I have also started making my own hats, and headbands again. I love making things as well as photographing things, its great! I am actually considering selling some of my creations, I may post some pictures of them on here in a few days. Since we most likely are going to be snowed in for the next few days.

Well, I did recently do a newborn shoot of baby Jaidon, a friend of mine from works son. He was 12 days new when I did them... so here ya go!

Enjoy... and come back.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Birthday Giveaway!

head on over to and check out the give away going on!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


There's a huge give away going on! Go check it out at:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I also recently did a shoot with a 2 yr old little boy. His name was Noah, he was adorable, and fun to shoot. He has a little sister on the way, whom I will also be shooting.

So everyone its been a while since I've posted. I've been busy, working, holidays, all kinds of stuff. Plus our internet for the longest time wouldn't allow me to upload pictures to this site. But it should be ok now.. So, I'll bring you guys up to date on some of my recent work.

I actually have my own domain site now as well, it is


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mother's Day...

So, me and the girls did a shoot for the grandma's the other day. I ordered them, some special gifts which should be coming tomorrow. I can't wait, first time ordering from the professional printer, I will be using!
Well, I am trying to get myself out there, I've been have been handing out my cards and everything. I want to order my website, its only 10.89$ for the year or something. I'm looking for people to do senior pictures for, as well as prom stuff, so... if anyone knows people looking for a photographer. Email me., or

Here are some of the shots from the Mother's day shoot with my girls!

